Your Mom Was Wrong… Start Talking To Strangers


Many of us were told by our Mom and Dad to not talk to strangers.  This is very good advice when you are growing up and it becomes very bad advice around the age of 14 or the day you start playing team sports for many reasons.  It is also around this age that many of us start to show a sincere interest in the opposite sex and if you aren’t willing to talk to strangers you are bound to remain lonely and confused.  When you enter the world of being employed the problems multiply!

Zig Ziglar once said that timid salespeople have skinny kids and experience has shown he’s right.  Whenever you miss the chance to meet someone for the first time, otherwise known as talking to a stranger, your world has the chance to expand dramatically.  There are degrees of separation and meeting new people changes those degrees and that separation.  We know that statistically each of us knows 200 people +/-.  If you were to meet 1 new person per day and took weekends off at the end of a year you would know 450 people +/-.  If you sell anything you are going to make a lot more money and impact a lot more people.  Stay in touch with these people and remind them how you met, who you are and what you do.  Do this frequently and with a purpose.

I know that as I have aged I need to make it a point to stay in touch with people more often.  To start with I don’t know when they won’t be around anymore and most people are like me in that they get busy and prioritize in different ways… ways that don’t always work.  These people you know matter and make life richer in more ways than one!

If you don’t have a plan to meet these 5 new people per week call me.  We will design a plan and I will show you how to stay on top of that plan and what you can make out of it.  My name is Steven Clauson and I coach people who either want to come out of the stands and onto the field or are there and want to maximize their efforts.  Are you in the stands or on the field of play?  Winners have to get out of the stands.  Tired of getting your ass kicked?  Call me at 916-230-0176 or visit



What Failing To Hit The Target Looks Like


A compelling article came across my desk today and I want to condense it and share what I see.  Did you know…

  • 68% of Americans say they receive too many brand e-mails.  You are reading one now.
  • 48% of Americans consider personalized e-mails from companies they do business with helpful.
  • 17% of Americans cannot handle the current volume of brand e-mails
  • 56% of Americans willingly share personal information to receive relevant offers.

Americans say they receive very relevant information from;

  • 33% Credit Card Companies.
  • 29% Supermarkets
  • 29% Banks
  • 18% Fuel Companies.
Americans do the following with poorly targeted communications;
  • 70% close accounts or unsubscribe
  • 60% un follow on social media
  • 59% opt out of future e-mails
  • 57% block phone numbers
  • 54% delete apps.
       Irrelevant communications cause consumer loyalty to waiver and that’s something we can ill afford.  The days of Facebook postings simply for the sake of content are over.  People are getting over run with electronic communication.  They are tired of it and fighting back.  We must be more relevant today than ever.  When we send an e-mail or post a blog it has to be thought out and has to matter.  To do anything less is electronic suicide.

This research was completed by the AIMIA Institute and they are a data-driven marketing and loyalty analytics company.         

I coach people and help them determine what action to take, what to do more of and what to eliminate and help them to effectively demonstrate what makes them special and why their customer should be using them over any and all other options they might have.  I show them how to produce results that are uncommon for most.  Call me at 916-230-0176 or e-mail me at

Problems Don’t Age Well


       Like many people who read this newsletter I enjoy wine.  The wine I enjoy has aged for a while and that time spent aging adds to the bouquet of the wine and enhances the taste.  While I don’t pretend to understand the mechanism I can tell you that I like the result and encourage winemakers when I have the chance.  Problems are different in that they don’t age well.
When I had my private practice I knew that certain people had certain problems that defined them as a person.  Removal of the problem meant nothing more than they had to go find or invent another problem to further define them.  The Entrepreneurs I work with are quite different in that they don’t need to find issues, rather the issues find them.  While this is not helpful it is the nature of the beast.  The entrepreneurs that rise to the top deal with these problems in an on point manner as soon as they arise.
There are 2 ways to deal with a problem and only you get to decide which route you take.  If you can declare that a problem is a non-issue and walk away from it you are doing well.  If you have a problem that you cannot walk away from your best response is to overwhelm the issue and go at the problem from several different angles at the same time.  The longer a problem is allowed to exist the harder it is to solve.
In cage fighting the goal is to get the opponent on the ground as rapidly as possible and go for the submission.  In football you want to strike for the end zone as fast as possible and then score and score often.  In business you must figure out what the actual problem is, confront it and put it to rest.  Move fast, be focused, get help, don’t change the subject and act like you are killing an ant with an assault rifle.  Solve your problem with everything you have and then move on.
What is the problem you have to solve today?  You have to solve it for either you or someone else and leaving it unsolved brings an unacceptable cost and angst.  Overwhelm the issue and get to the other side.
I coach people and help them determine what action to take, what to do more of and what to eliminate and help them to effectively demonstrate what makes them special and why their customer should be using them over any and all other options they might have.  I show them how to produce results that are uncommon for most.  Call me at 916-230-0176 or e-mail me at

Now/Today Is The Right Time!


Now is the only time you have and urgency matters.  Now is the only time that is and now matters.  The perfect time to do anything will never come along and waiting for that moment is a fools game.   In fact, when is the perfect time to:

  • Get married
  • Have a child
  • Have another child
  • Go to school
  • Quit a job
  • Buy a house
  • Retire
  • Un-Retire
       There’s no perfect time to do any of these and there’s nothing other than a perfect time to do these.  The time you do it is the perfect time because that is when you did it.  No other reason need exist.  This time is the time.  Acting now is at the very least the most powerful and self affirming thing that you can do.  Investing in you and your success is the best decision you can make now.  Most everyone waits for the right moment to do something and then never bother to define what the right moment looks like in detail.  Nursing homes are full of people waiting for the exact right moment to do something.  What do you need to solve today?  You have to solve it for either you or someone else and leaving it unsolved brings an unacceptable cost and angst.  Overwhelm the issue and get to the other side.
In the words of Werner Erhard “Most people wait for
the decisive moment, whereas people of power are
decisive in the moment!”
     I coach people and help them determine what action to take, what to do more of and what to eliminate and help them to effectively demonstrate what makes them special and why their customer should be using them over any and all other options they might have.  I show them how to produce results that are uncommon for most.  Call me at 916-230-0176 or e-mail me at

I Recently Met One Tough Mudder…


I was having lunch Thursday with a new client who related a story to me I have shared several times over the last couple of days.  This is s story about something called a “Tough Mudder”.  For those that aren’t in the know it’s a race where the runners spend the day up to their eyeballs in mud and assorted obstacles and there aren’t really winners, just survivors.  While I might have tried this 20 years ago, not now.
He was sharing about one of the obstacles that had been altered from the previous year from a half pipe to a modified quarter pipe.  This change required that most participants needed help getting over the edge and continue on.  A few could do it on their own and most were sunk without additional help.  This is a lot like life.  Most of us need help from time and time. Precious few admit they need help so they don’t look weak.  I’d invite you to quit being so concerned about how you look and ask for the help.
When I was taking Graduate Level Anatomy and Physiology there were aspects I was not getting no matter how hard I tried or studied.  We had a Graduate Assistant for just this reason and I fought asking for help.  When I finally got rid of my ego and asked for help the material  became simple and in fact I ended up teaching Anatomy & Physiology at the College Level the following semester in large part due to the help I got from him.
It matters little if you are running a Tough Mudder, taking a class or trying to build a business… we all need help.  Some repair cars, some do estate plans, some do cosmetic surgery and I coach.  We all help in our own way and when you consider for just a second that 100% of the participants on American Idol have coaches as do 100% of the players in every professional sport you’ll see that you’re not alone.  I have 2 coaches named Martin and Crystal.  Both Marines and both scary in their own way.
I coach people and help them determine what action to take, what to do more of, what to eliminate and then help them to effectively demonstrate what makes them special and why their customer should be using them over any and all other options they might have.  I show them how to produce results that are uncommon for most.  Call me at 916-230-0176 or e-mail me at

What Is A Used Book Really Worth?


Earlier this week I took 78 books from my personal library to the local used book store in the hopes that someone else can put them to good use.  This is not a consignment store, rather a store where they sell books at a discount and you never know what you will find there.  I donate my books there and I love this place!
As I was making several trips from my car to the store to bring the books in the woman working the counter wondered out loud how great it would be if I could have the money I spent for these books back in cash.  My initial response was Yes that would be great and after reflecting for about 2 nano-seconds I reversed my initial opinion and told her I would decline the cash in hand for the knowledge in my brain.  All of us have the opportunity to learn in different ways and those ways change as we mature.  I am a dinosaur in that I still read hardcover books and I even read the occasional Kindle book.  I know others that attend window university and learn while behind the wheel of their car or learn from video based productions.  No matter how you learn school will never be out for the professional.
I am down to about 1000 books in my personal library and not too long ago that number was closer to 3000.  I know people who have audio libraries every bit that large and others that have large video libraries as well.  The key is the not the size of the library but using the material and handing it off to others so they might learn.  I am often surprised to see who wants to learn and at times saddened by those unwilling to do so.  Learning and applying information is critical and in the words of Frank Zappa “It’s not getting any smarter out there!”
       What have you read or listened to recently, what did you get out of that and would you recommend it to someone else?  I want to share your information because we are all in this together!  Shoot me an e-mail by clicking below and everyone will get the benefit of what you learned.
I coach people and help them determine what action to take, what to do more of, what to eliminate and then help them to effectively demonstrate what makes them special and why their customer should be using them over any and all other options they might have.  I show them how to produce results that are uncommon for most.  Call me at 916-230-0176 or e-mail me at

Thought Assault…


Voltaire, was a French writer and public activist who played a singular role in defining the eighteenth-century movement called the Enlightenment. At the center of his work was a new conception of philosophy and the philosopher that in several crucial respects influenced the modern concept of each.  One of my favorite quotes from Voltaire is “No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.”  This is true of every issue humans have both personal and professional.
Thinking is also the hardest work we ever do and that is the reason so few people ever bother to do it.  So many other things are easier!  Counselors and coaches are a great help because we are not emotionally involved in the problems we hear about.  The lack of emotional involvement means that we never hear that inner voice that tells them to do the easy or comfortable activity. The process is helped along by asking the following question and then listening and acting on the answer you get.  “what if this was someone else’s problem?  What would I advise them to do?”  The follow up to that question is “What are 10 ways I could solve this problem?”  Don’t quit until you have written those 10 ways down and have taken action on at least 1 of them.
I coach people and help them determine what action to take, what to do more of, what to eliminate and then help them to effectively demonstrate what makes them special and why their customer should be using them over any and all other options they might have.  I show them how to produce results that are uncommon for most.  Call me at 916-230-0176 or e-mail me at