Voltaire, was a French writer and public activist who played a singular role in defining the eighteenth-century movement called the Enlightenment. At the center of his work was a new conception of philosophy and the philosopher that in several crucial respects influenced the modern concept of each. One of my favorite quotes from Voltaire is “No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.” This is true of every issue humans have both personal and professional.
Thinking is also the hardest work we ever do and that is the reason so few people ever bother to do it. So many other things are easier! Counselors and coaches are a great help because we are not emotionally involved in the problems we hear about. The lack of emotional involvement means that we never hear that inner voice that tells them to do the easy or comfortable activity. The process is helped along by asking the following question and then listening and acting on the answer you get. “what if this was someone else’s problem? What would I advise them to do?” The follow up to that question is “What are 10 ways I could solve this problem?” Don’t quit until you have written those 10 ways down and have taken action on at least 1 of them.
I coach people and help them determine what action to take, what to do more of, what to eliminate and then help them to effectively demonstrate what makes them special and why their customer should be using them over any and all other options they might have. I show them how to produce results that are uncommon for most. Call me at 916-230-0176 or e-mail me at steve@assaultmarketing.com