What Failing To Hit The Target Looks Like


A compelling article came across my desk today and I want to condense it and share what I see.  Did you know…

  • 68% of Americans say they receive too many brand e-mails.  You are reading one now.
  • 48% of Americans consider personalized e-mails from companies they do business with helpful.
  • 17% of Americans cannot handle the current volume of brand e-mails
  • 56% of Americans willingly share personal information to receive relevant offers.

Americans say they receive very relevant information from;

  • 33% Credit Card Companies.
  • 29% Supermarkets
  • 29% Banks
  • 18% Fuel Companies.
Americans do the following with poorly targeted communications;
  • 70% close accounts or unsubscribe
  • 60% un follow on social media
  • 59% opt out of future e-mails
  • 57% block phone numbers
  • 54% delete apps.
       Irrelevant communications cause consumer loyalty to waiver and that’s something we can ill afford.  The days of Facebook postings simply for the sake of content are over.  People are getting over run with electronic communication.  They are tired of it and fighting back.  We must be more relevant today than ever.  When we send an e-mail or post a blog it has to be thought out and has to matter.  To do anything less is electronic suicide.

This research was completed by the AIMIA Institute and they are a data-driven marketing and loyalty analytics company.         

I coach people and help them determine what action to take, what to do more of and what to eliminate and help them to effectively demonstrate what makes them special and why their customer should be using them over any and all other options they might have.  I show them how to produce results that are uncommon for most.  Call me at 916-230-0176 or e-mail me at steve@assaultmarketing.com

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