I asked a client why they hired me to drive their company’s revenue. They gave me the most terrifying answer I’ve ever heard. They hired me because I’m a positive thinker. He went on to tell me I was a positive thinker about everything and he liked being around that. I felt sick to my stomach for the rest of the day. I am not a positive thinker… I’m an accurate thinker. Give me accurate any day of the week.
Positive thinking destroys businesses and families. Think positive all you want and unless you’re accurate about what’s going on it won’t end well. Think positive about having a few hundred dollars in the bank and you’ll eventually get very hungry.
When you read the book “Think And Grow Rich” you learn there was a lot of action happening within that thinking. Hill was a very accurate man and took a lot of action. The book he wrote next was “Grow Rich With Peace Of Mind.” Even Hill thought it was a better book. Most readers of the first book have never heard of the second book.
How accurate are you thinking right now? Are you thinking you need to lower your expectations for the second half of the year? Is that accurate? They’re now telling us we’re officially in a recession. Are You? I’m not and I’m not planning to be. I’m thinking and acting my way through this and so are my clients. In fact one of my clients has created an income with a minimum of 200% over the first half of 2019 in what he was told was a “non-essential business.” He thought he was essential. His bank account certainly agrees with that. Think about calling me… Here’s a link to my calendar. My name is Steven Clauson. I coach people who want help getting where they want to be. The people I coach are typically already taking action, getting results and ask what’s next and what actions to take to make an even greater impact. They aren’t afraid to ask for help. How can I help you? What actions are you taking? Those who have a plan and implement that plan lead the pack. Planning, preparing to win and taking appropriate action means you hear the word “YES” more than ever. Only if you one of the few willing to take action, do what’s required and play full out and you likely to hear the word yes more often. People hearing the word “YES” are winners on the field playing because they play full out and dominate. For these people results matter. Tired of results less than you know you can produce? Call me at 916-230-0176 or visit www.stevenclauson.com