Investing in yourself the Best Investment?

I’m frequently asked by clients about investments. Should they invest in the stock market, mutual funds or maybe even real estate. I respectfully ponder these questions knowing full well that for any professional school is never really out of session. At the end of the day the absolute best investment that anyone can make is in themselves. I can prove it!
Seattle recently had the wisdom to enact a minimum wage of $15 per hour and the law of negative consequences is already taking place even in advance of the law taking effect.  If you are an owner or an employee of a restaurant you are looking at some big changes.  The cost of food has to rise to reflect the new cost of help and if you are an owner you still need to make money.  If you haven’t bothered to invest in what you know and getting better at what you know the voters just made you a victim and you have little hope of fighting back.  Likewise for the employee because they are an unwitting victim as well.
Had you invested in learning new techniques and new ways of operation you would have skills on board to help you navigate the new economy that was created virtually overnight.  Learning new things (no matter if you are the owner or the employee) brings unusual freedom and power and the conscious choice to avoid learning brings unusual reliance on governmental programs and hopelessness.

There are books on tape, You Tube learning (I use this every week), the library and even college if you get really desperate.
Your best investment is and always will be yourself.  The people I know that do well in every economy invest there first and every place else second.  Not sure what to read or listen to?  Give me a call at 916-230-176 or leave me an e-mail at

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