Americans Want More Spending And Lower Taxes.

A survey recently conducted by the research team NORC at the University of Chicago showed that Americans want more government spending and they also want lower taxes. The same survey showed that support for spending more tax dollars on health care has dropped dramatically! Could anything be less surprising? Who else wants more for less?

This is the customer we are working with. They want more, more, more and are willing to do precious little to get it. These are some of your competitors in business today as well. And I thought they knew better.

I met someone last week in a profession where sales skills matter. They have never invested in a sales class and never even listened to a sales training tape. They were doing ok until 2008 when there was a particularly nasty recession as you may recall. Most people I know weathered it with ease while some just fell apart. This man fell apart and wants to put his business back together. He wants to hit the “Easy” button and solve his problems. No customer list, no testimonials, never visited his business Yelp Account and while he gets a few calls from Angie’s list and has no earthly idea why. In short, he doesn’t have a business… he has a job and that explains the panic mode.

His solution requires some old fashioned roll up your sleeves and get focused work. He says he is ready to get that done. For the sake of him and his family I hope he is being honest with himself.

Success is seldom bestowed on anyone who wants more while giving less, and when it does happen its’ typically a short term win. No one wants short term by the way!

The early indications are positive. His next 24 years will contain a level of focus the last 24 lacked. Time will tell what happens next. As the player said in Jerry Maguire… “Show Me The Money!” his base is saying “Show Me Why I Am Using You”. When we move from a job into a business we show them why. Everyone needs to focus on showing them why!


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